54 ~lunch dates with my husband
53 ~ prayerful community awaiting the gift of a new teaching pastor
52 ~ a week of resting, a way of being cared for as a church staff
51 ~ friends on bicycles stopping by with a sWeeT treat
50 ~ grade school girl cousins chatting by telephone and catching up
49 ~18 month old free to run with no boundaries for as far as those chubby little legs can go, or until her grass stained knees grow tired from the never ending tumbles
48 ~ 3 year old's greeting of each passerby with a stern "what's Your name?"
47 ~ picnic dinner at the park
46 ~ early afternoon napping

45 ~ honorarily attending a tradition of smashing eggs
44 ~ family brunch, an abundance of food, friendship, laughter and love
43 ~ He has risen, indeed
42 ~ ...my friends may you grow in grace, in the knowledge of Jesus Christ- aMeN!
41 ~ sMiLe! a photo taken from the worship pastor in between strums of the guitar strings, mid-benediction
40 ~ his body broken for me? his blood shed on my behalf? ... words become real, raw and so hard to hear
39 ~ traveling melodies from "were you there" to "the wonderful cross" and then "on the road to emmaus"
38 ~ white candles and hand woven panels adorned with the cross
37 ~ The Easter Lily, there really could be no other flower more beautifully fitting than the Easter Lily

36 ~ sundresses and sandals
35 ~ being wakened early Easter morning to GiggLy girls following jelly bean trails to mysterious sWeeT surprises
34 ~ He is risen!
33 ~ Christ candle lighting
32 ~ misere re nobis
31 ~ urban stations of the cross
30 ~ a season of laments offered to be with the One who promises to hold them in his care
29 ~ the unique way our faith community participates in staying awake and keeping watch through the night during a Holy Week Saturday Vigil
28 ~ the eve of Good Friday filled with the power of truth and love...painful truth and overwhelming love